Sunday, February 21, 2010

The last day

In the morning of our last day in Palermo we had free time. So everyone decided with their hosts what to do. Me, Maarja, Laura and Hanna, with our hosts, decided to go shopping. We had to meet 11 o´clock near the school, but unfortunately, waiting for Maarja and Manuel, who had some problems with tranportation, we went shopping a little past 12 o´clock. First we went to a mask shop nearby, as we needed something for the evening. The time went really fast and after visiting the food shop and eating we hadn´t time to go anywhere else. So we went to school and waited for others to come.

The portuguese arrived later, as they went shopping and they got lost in Palermo. First Italian teacher and some students sang some traditional Italian songs. After that we sang some well-known English songs together, for example, "When you are happy" and "Yesterday". Then it was our turn to perform as we were the first ones and we sang two songs (Mardilaul and Kungla rahvas). Also we danced Kaerajaan and taught it to others too. Everybody seemed to like it.

Kaera Jaan in Palermo from Merike Sikk on Vimeo.

Then portuguese and polish students performed. Polish sang some songs and portuguese also sang some songs and played some games with teachers and some students.

When singing and dancing was over, students from different bands from Italian school sang some rock songs, it was quite different from the performances before. After that a little disco started, everybody danced and some students were coustumed, for example Italian boys were dressed as girls.

After that the official part had ended, everyone could do what they wanted. We went to eat at Maarja´s host home, Manuel, and then headed for a good-bye party at Ivan´s place. Everyone of the project were there and we had a lot of fun. Soon it was time to say good-bye and go home, as tomorrow we had to leave really early.

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